Passive yoga poses lasting up to 20 minutes, supported by pillows, bolsters and folded blankets. This style is meant to encourage relaxation via the release of tension in the muscles and spine. Who teaches this style of yoga?
Styles of Yoga
Learn about the different styles of Yoga below or through the quick links on the right.
Therapeutic Yoga (Yoga Therapy)
Therapeutic yoga s a particularly effective practice for those recovering from, or living with, injury or illness. Therapeutic Yoga blends restorative yoga (supported postures), gentle yoga, breathwork, hands-on healing, and guided meditation techniques combined in such a way that it is an excellent choice for those who need something gentle yet effective for bringing the body into balance and reducing stress. Therapeutic Yoga is a deeply meditative experience – it provides the opportunity to step away from the busy-ness of the outside world and access the deeper wisdom that resides within us. Who teaches this style of yoga?
Traditional / Hatha Yoga
The most widely practiced form of yoga in America. It is the branch of yoga which concentrates on physical health and mental well-being. Hatha yoga uses bodily postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation (dyana) with the goal of bringing about a sound, healthy body and a clear, peaceful mind. There are nearly 200 hatha yoga postures, with hundreds of variations, which work to make the spine supple and to promote circulation in all the organs, glands, and tissues. Hatha yoga postures also stretch and align the body, promoting balance and flexibility.
→ Who teaches this style of yoga? Click Here
TriYoga is a complete yoga method. The inspiration and guidance for the TriYoga Flows comes from yogini Kali Ray’s direct experience of kriyavati (kundalini manifesting on the plane of hatha yoga). In the TriYoga Flows, breath and focus are united with flowing and sustained postures in systematized series. Since the method is systematic, students can progress from Basics to Level 1 and then to subsequent levels as they increase their flexibility, strength, endurance and knowledge. Through sustained awareness on all aspects of the practice, the inner flow naturally emerges. This trinity practice is by the nature of its origin, deeply meditative and transformative. Who teaches this style of yoga?
Vinyasa means “breath-synchronized movement.” Vinyasa yoga is a series of poses that are performed using the power and awareness of inhaling and exhaling. Vinyasa movements are smoothly flowing and almost dance-like, which explains why it is sometimes referred to as Vinyasa Flow or just Flow. Who teaches this style of yoga?