We as members of the Florida Yoga Teachers Association, Inc. recognize that we represent centuries of sacred teachings, aligning us to a long tradition of honorable teachers. As instructors in the ancient science of Yoga, we are committed to being living examples of the Yogic lifestyle, while maintaining the highest standards of professional competence and integrity.
To this end we will:
- Help preserve the traditional legacy of Yoga and improve the quality of Yoga teaching and practice in the State of Florida.
- Dedicate ourselves to the ongoing study and practice of Yoga, including the theory, philosophy and practical aspects of the style of Yoga that we choose to teach.
- Follow the traditional behavior standards of our chosen style, an example being the Yamas and Niyamas of Pantanjali:
- Yamas (behavior disciplines): Non-harming (Ahimsa); Truthfulness (Satya); Non-stealing (Asteya); Moderation of the Senses (Brahmacarya); and Non-covetousness (Aparigraha).
- Niyamas (internal control): Purity/Cleanliness (Saucha); Contentment (Santosha); Burning desire to study, practice, self-discipline (Tapas); Self-study, mindfulness, studying yoga and the scriptures (Svadhyaya); Devotion, willingness to serve (Ishvara Pranidhana).
- Commit ourselves to avoiding substance abuse.
- Embrace truthfulness in dealing with students and others, including honestly representing our training and experience. It is acceptable to research and return an answer to a student’s question if not immediately known.
- Honor and pay homage to our past teachers, who are the source of our knowledge and skill.
- Avoid giving medical advice unless you are qualified and licensed to do so.
- Treat your students with respect, as well as being open to the acceptance of all students regardless of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, social status or physical disability (if qualified).
- Create and sustain both a sacred and safe environment for our students, while abiding by the policies, practices and regulations of the owners and management of the teaching facilities we use.
- Not force our opinions or spiritual beliefs on our students. They should be encouraged to find inner freedom through self-study.
- Speak positively about other Yoga teachers, schools and traditions in order to create harmony and acceptance of each style and belief.